Mann & Schröder
An Overview of Our Work

TUI Cars Website Relaunch

TUI Cars

gallereplay produced a series of summery cinemagraphs for the new-look homepage of TUI Cars, one of Germany’s leading car rental companies. Since the re-launch was planned during the European winter, gallereplay chose to work with its Sydney-based creators on this beach-front production. The cinemagraphs drew customers in for longer: A/B tests revealed that the bounce rate on the website was significantly lower when a cinemagraph was used as wallpaper, compared to when a static image was used.

  • Custom cinemagraph production
  • Custom cinemagraph production
  • Custom cinemagraph production

TUI’s number one goal is to put a smile on our clients’ faces, be it through a surprising photo-technique or otherwise. On we use cinemagraphs created by gallereplay to achieve this.

Simon Drees / Head of Business Development Online,